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لوحات المتصدرين الاتحاد الأوروبي الشمالي والشرقي

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#13,941 Summoner Icon Wolfox 185 173
20 LP
Platinum II
20 LP
#13,942 Summoner Icon Veallrion 25 27
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,943 Summoner Icon maotao1993 29 28
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,944 Summoner Icon Lulu Eater 34 15
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,945 Summoner Icon adikiki 48 36
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,946 Summoner Icon WhySoFreakyBilly 33 30
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,947 Summoner Icon What The Barrel 31 22
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,948 Summoner Icon 11B1 17 29
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,949 Summoner Icon Lider89 58 56
14 LP
Platinum IV
14 LP
#13,950 Summoner Icon pabloikoper13 13 14
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,952 Summoner Icon BagaCoxxx 2 6
4 LP
Platinum IV
4 LP
#13,953 Summoner Icon InfiniteObesity 10 7
3 LP
Platinum IV
3 LP
#13,954 Summoner Icon urbad 6 3
3 LP
Platinum IV
3 LP
#13,955 Summoner Icon JustDoItvS 10 7
3 LP
Platinum IV
3 LP
#13,956 Summoner Icon Coaros 22 30
3 LP
Platinum IV
3 LP
#13,957 Summoner Icon JungleDlFERENCE 13 14
3 LP
Platinum IV
3 LP
#13,958 Summoner Icon Aporrimatoforo 40 41
60 LP
Platinum IV
60 LP
#13,959 Summoner Icon LobotomizedTahm 56 47
3 LP
Platinum IV
3 LP
#13,960 Summoner Icon Shiney 19 19
3 LP
Platinum IV
3 LP
#13,961 Summoner Icon dumnezeu 84 89
90 LP
ذهب II
90 LP