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لوحات المتصدرين الاتحاد الأوروبي الشمالي والشرقي

الرتبة المستدعي الانتصارات الخسائر Tier / Division نقاط أبطال
#34,444 Summoner Icon WhyYouRunMan 82 73
81 LP
Platinum IV
81 LP
#34,449 Summoner Icon Art1maN 37 26
81 LP
Platinum IV
81 LP
#34,452 Summoner Icon JimmyHendrixz 3 2
81 LP
Platinum IV
81 LP Lulu
#34,456 Summoner Icon upocená Amálka 45 49
81 LP
Platinum IV
81 LP
#34,459 Summoner Icon TheRussianSpy01 175 170
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,462 Summoner Icon Crow 195 181
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,473 Summoner Icon Stankelius 32 35
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,475 Summoner Icon Chipicaos 74 67
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,476 Summoner Icon Goldi 21 12
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,479 Summoner Icon GalaGala 87 76
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,481 Summoner Icon Jizum 7 4
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP Darius
#34,489 Summoner Icon HaventJotaClue 30 32
0 LP
Emerald IV
0 LP
#34,491 Summoner Icon Zermuli 19 26
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,494 Summoner Icon MIŚAMFETAMIŚ 100 75
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,509 Summoner Icon Drop The Verse 109 108
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,526 Summoner Icon Flam1ngos 67 73
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP Akali
#34,537 Summoner Icon dewdrop 13 10
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP
#34,550 Summoner Icon The Voidreaver 41 26
80 LP
Platinum IV
80 LP Xin Zhao
#34,554 Summoner Icon DarkDonor 128 142
0 LP
Platinum IV
0 LP
#34,558 Summoner Icon Big papao 89 78
79 LP
Platinum IV
79 LP