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Clasificare Curcan

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#381 Summoner Icon Nomad 56 52
423 LP
Mare maestru I
423 LP
#382 Summoner Icon tyinyan 46 37
62 LP
Maestru I
62 LP
#383 Summoner Icon Uwonsi 43 47
62 LP
Maestru I
62 LP
#385 Summoner Icon Ferow 128 120
219 LP
Maestru I
219 LP Darius Lulu Syndra Irelia Lucian
#386 Summoner Icon I SO MÜKEMMEL 23 16
61 LP
Maestru I
61 LP
#387 Summoner Icon kannibal 131 101
61 LP
Maestru I
61 LP Yasuo Draven Qiyana Ashe Kai'Sa
#388 Summoner Icon Melhara 96 100
56 LP
Maestru I
56 LP Ezreal Varus Samira Ashe
#389 Summoner Icon 10xyou 97 82
255 LP
Mare maestru I
255 LP Aatrox Darius
#390 Summoner Icon Berker 39 29
176 LP
Maestru I
176 LP Senna Mel
#391 Summoner Icon orman oynarım 41 25
59 LP
Maestru I
59 LP
#392 Summoner Icon OduncuAdam 84 84
58 LP
Maestru I
58 LP Nasus Lee Sin
#393 Summoner Icon Ace Sertraline 44 46
58 LP
Maestru I
58 LP
#394 Summoner Icon Tisara 90 53
57 LP
Maestru I
57 LP
#395 Summoner Icon Ay Ben Gulerim 45 48
56 LP
Maestru I
56 LP
#396 Summoner Icon PİTON BERKAY 44 49
55 LP
Maestru I
55 LP
#397 Summoner Icon Mufasa 50 51
23 LP
Maestru I
23 LP Lee Sin Garen
#398 Summoner Icon Leverage And Pix 76 58
55 LP
Maestru I
55 LP
#399 Summoner Icon KXNG 149 137
107 LP
Maestru I
107 LP Jarvan IV Aatrox Talon Briar
#400 Summoner Icon miStiK yAnkEsiCi 23 15
55 LP
Maestru I
55 LP Talon
#401 Summoner Icon Meifeng 19 10
54 LP
Maestru I
54 LP