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Clasificare Republica Coreea

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#101 Summoner Icon Always With U xD 113 84
1087 LP
Provocator I
1087 LP Pantheon Rakan Rell
#102 Summoner Icon 도자기 167 145
1007 LP
Provocator I
1007 LP Lucian Kai'Sa Ezreal Sivir Ambessa
#103 Summoner Icon This game canwin 125 102
1335 LP
Provocator I
1335 LP Jayce K'Sante Ambessa Aurora Ahri
#104 Summoner Icon 결 혼 130 120
844 LP
Mare maestru I
844 LP Kalista Twitch Ezreal Caitlyn Yasuo
#105 Summoner Icon zbrnfql 120 76
1218 LP
Provocator I
1218 LP Tristana Varus Jinx Samira Sivir
#106 Summoner Icon LFT Myunseo 217 194
968 LP
Provocator I
968 LP Skarner Nidalee Nocturne Kindred Xin Zhao
#107 Summoner Icon MeseZZ 171 135
1113 LP
Provocator I
1113 LP Nami Lux Janna Renata Glasc Karma
#108 Summoner Icon 근데 막 어른이 돼 212 184
958 LP
Provocator I
958 LP Kai'Sa Varus Viktor Ezreal Rakan
#109 Summoner Icon Kimman 117 96
1182 LP
Provocator I
1182 LP Vi Zyra Jayce Wukong Graves
#110 Summoner Icon 누완노 92 66
1015 LP
Provocator I
1015 LP Sivir Ezreal Vi Tristana Kalista
#111 Summoner Icon 골가나르 134 110
1015 LP
Provocator I
1015 LP Rell
#112 Summoner Icon 두둠칫 214 183
1015 LP
Provocator I
1015 LP Bard
#113 Summoner Icon 근육밀레니엄 174 147
1012 LP
Provocator I
1012 LP Jhin Miss Fortune Kai'Sa Corki Xayah
#114 Summoner Icon xxgg 118 107
1011 LP
Provocator I
1011 LP Pantheon Corki Aurora
#115 Summoner Icon The Herta 165 142
964 LP
Provocator I
964 LP Pantheon Corki
#116 Summoner Icon wenjian 124 95
1023 LP
Provocator I
1023 LP Vi
#117 Summoner Icon qweasdqweasdqw 92 67
1163 LP
Provocator I
1163 LP Senna Caitlyn Viktor Neeko Ezreal
#118 Summoner Icon 男枪大魔王 126 105
938 LP
Mare maestru I
938 LP Graves Jax Skarner
#119 Summoner Icon FA휘파 274 258
1004 LP
Provocator I
1004 LP Kai'Sa Elise Aphelios Miss Fortune Tristana
#120 Summoner Icon Ninja3 97 68
1002 LP
Provocator I
1002 LP Hecarim