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Clasificare EU West

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#195,307 Summoner Icon AeriaChris 3 4
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,309 Summoner Icon Kittyfallen01 18 22
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,310 Summoner Icon M4T1NMR 148 143
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP Ezreal
#195,319 Summoner Icon Elesyel 75 85
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,320 Summoner Icon Boomstomp 172 186
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,328 Summoner Icon KC Célina UwU 13 11
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP Jhin
#195,332 Summoner Icon xXI3lackkniv3Xx 12 12
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,334 Summoner Icon Ro33ert Sw4n 177 160
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP Briar
#195,340 Summoner Icon Exproost 12 12
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,341 Summoner Icon Faísca 63 77
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,342 Summoner Icon Zereza 4 1
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,344 Summoner Icon skrinoxxe 13 7
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,348 Summoner Icon Azagl 20 25
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,350 Summoner Icon 9libzou 28 30
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,352 Summoner Icon Luminous5 4 1
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,353 Summoner Icon diouck 14 13
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,361 Summoner Icon illicite 14 22
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,362 Summoner Icon The Gappp 39 41
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,363 Summoner Icon byakame 57 52
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP
#195,365 Summoner Icon Itstoolatebg 57 49
42 LP
Argint IV
42 LP Orianna