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Clasificare EU West

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#194,701 Summoner Icon Brickkey 46 42
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,702 Summoner Icon Shenny 5 2
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,703 Summoner Icon Rechel 117 109
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP Ashe
#194,704 Summoner Icon Fhyro 7 6
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,705 Summoner Icon RiseOfDoom 37 46
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,706 Summoner Icon The Cliper 3 14 17
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,707 Summoner Icon Raphou 31 34
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP Blitzcrank
#194,709 Summoner Icon MrPriapismo 18 20
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,711 Summoner Icon Noximilliën 85 101
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP Fiora
#194,714 Summoner Icon LiLeParceRo 41 48
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,716 Summoner Icon Tomcat II 20 20
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,718 Summoner Icon og GRI IM 72 78
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,720 Summoner Icon Ruizz 20 41
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP Ashe
#194,721 Summoner Icon Turboloba 10 7
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,722 Summoner Icon Thesh 18 17
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,723 Summoner Icon Nazragul 41 45
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,725 Summoner Icon Huntsdog 12 13
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,726 Summoner Icon Marvelous Agarwe 95 104
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,728 Summoner Icon BALF445 9 9
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP
#194,729 Summoner Icon Hawk Tuahh 61 46
45 LP
Argint IV
45 LP