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Clasificare EU West

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#190,141 Summoner Icon Vayne Only 5 1
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,142 Summoner Icon P3nta 87 86
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP Jhin
#190,143 Summoner Icon BeaPandita98 77 81
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,147 Summoner Icon dexter 9678 88 108
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,148 Summoner Icon Shoushouba 46 42
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,150 Summoner Icon Saughon 16 14
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,155 Summoner Icon Glaceon 8 6
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,156 Summoner Icon FaciesOkTier 27 32
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP Kai'Sa
#190,158 Summoner Icon pERA ペラ 10 10
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,160 Summoner Icon The 10th Dentist 3 4
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,161 Summoner Icon uhriol4 20 25
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,162 Summoner Icon DeathRéaperX 24 22
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,166 Summoner Icon ElPsyKongroo 74 83
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP Aatrox
#190,167 Summoner Icon Ash 5 6
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,168 Summoner Icon TokHaar 47 65
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,181 Summoner Icon yofreerex 27 26
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,182 Summoner Icon ZzoA Hàld1r 3 3
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,191 Summoner Icon Klausuhren 17 4
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,193 Summoner Icon Alejandroツ 63 63
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP
#190,194 Summoner Icon bbyflo 6 9
64 LP
Argint IV
64 LP