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Clasificare EU West

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#4,682 Summoner Icon Bírkenau 44 41
44 LP
Platină I
44 LP
#4,684 Summoner Icon Jinxed it 43 52
44 LP
Platină I
44 LP
#4,685 Summoner Icon Narmaya 4 9
44 LP
Platină I
44 LP
#4,686 Summoner Icon Anisfo 55 54
44 LP
Platină I
44 LP Fiora
#4,687 Summoner Icon RebornZmaj 10 11
43 LP
Platină I
43 LP
#4,688 Summoner Icon The Purger 22 30
43 LP
Platină I
43 LP
#4,689 Summoner Icon GhostTrix 22 23
43 LP
Platină I
43 LP
#4,690 Summoner Icon PingYOURSELFBro 179 188
0 LP
Platină IV
0 LP Rell Braum Poppy Nami
#4,691 Summoner Icon Sak0 9 16
43 LP
Platină I
43 LP
#4,693 Summoner Icon n1 Cho Gath 32 24
43 LP
Platină I
43 LP
#4,695 Summoner Icon Le Rehisseur 60 58
43 LP
Platină I
43 LP
#4,696 Summoner Icon TheGringoGun 16 15
42 LP
Platină I
42 LP
#4,698 Summoner Icon jln 84 80
64 LP
Smarald IV
64 LP
#4,700 Summoner Icon يزن 11 6
42 LP
Platină I
42 LP
#4,701 Summoner Icon Ugly Ducky 9 1
42 LP
Platină I
42 LP
#4,702 Summoner Icon Wathis 3 6
42 LP
Platină I
42 LP
#4,703 Summoner Icon The Pidgeon 8 4
42 LP
Platină I
42 LP
#4,705 Summoner Icon RöbbaKö 70 61
28 LP
Smarald III
28 LP
#4,707 Summoner Icon Quinneisdabeast 11 7
41 LP
Platină I
41 LP
#4,709 Summoner Icon XBlackTankX 107 120
19 LP
Aur I
19 LP Ashe