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Clasificare EU West

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#21,362 Summoner Icon الدار البيضاء 21 62
22 LP
Argint IV
22 LP
#21,363 Summoner Icon MitsoKaïko 41 44
22 LP
Argint IV
22 LP
#21,372 Summoner Icon Solo Leveling 79 98
92 LP
Argint IV
92 LP
#21,382 Summoner Icon ferhat1600 47 37
21 LP
Argint IV
21 LP
#21,387 Summoner Icon R U Mine 46 33
21 LP
Argint IV
21 LP
#21,417 Summoner Icon WG Phantom 16 19
85 LP
Argint IV
85 LP
#21,418 Summoner Icon VomAIkiZumJunkie 65 76
65 LP
Argint IV
65 LP
#21,421 Summoner Icon Zuritiburi 37 33
19 LP
Argint IV
19 LP
#21,426 Summoner Icon Biscuit of Rage 74 87
5 LP
Bronz III
5 LP
#21,428 Summoner Icon Talost 16 16
19 LP
Argint IV
19 LP Cassiopeia
#21,430 Summoner Icon IvanSDK 36 43
19 LP
Argint IV
19 LP
#21,440 Summoner Icon fallenangl 76 69
18 LP
Argint IV
18 LP Nautilus
#21,447 Summoner Icon IfILoseFlameSupp 5 6
18 LP
Argint IV
18 LP
#21,458 Summoner Icon EverybodyHateYao 49 65
15 LP
Bronz I
15 LP
#21,501 Summoner Icon lîndworm 2 5
16 LP
Argint IV
16 LP
#21,505 Summoner Icon G2 estradiol 11 15
15 LP
Argint IV
15 LP
#21,508 Summoner Icon RedPallet 6 2
15 LP
Argint IV
15 LP Teemo
#21,514 Summoner Icon ScaredOfGrass 15 16
42 LP
Argint III
42 LP
#21,519 Summoner Icon OdinKross 10 6
15 LP
Argint IV
15 LP
#21,534 Summoner Icon Jujuchris 46 35
80 LP
Argint III
80 LP