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Clasificare EU West

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#20,102 Summoner Icon Whiplash 01 34 34
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,103 Summoner Icon QvintvsDias 10 16
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,104 Summoner Icon GE looksaus 18 21
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,105 Summoner Icon BearerOfTheCurse 16 15
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,107 Summoner Icon Ammit 17 13
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,114 Summoner Icon idxnel 28 29
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,116 Summoner Icon EzMart3nZz 8 4
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,118 Summoner Icon Zutsuu 1 4
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,120 Summoner Icon Cherisha 1 4
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,121 Summoner Icon CitronVolant 7 1
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,122 Summoner Icon piselloide1 1 4
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP Nami
#20,123 Summoner Icon ShN BanZaï 1 4
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,124 Summoner Icon Klunser Kongen 23 26
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,125 Summoner Icon Herald of Rivia 23 13
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,128 Summoner Icon paman99 31 32
3 LP
Argint IV
3 LP
#20,129 Summoner Icon Aoba Wakura 23 19
29 LP
Aur IV
29 LP
#20,131 Summoner Icon adalrak 4 7
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#20,132 Summoner Icon RACi5T 3 3
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#20,133 Summoner Icon Suoni 77 86
18 LP
Bronz I
18 LP Amumu
#20,137 Summoner Icon ZaWorld21 35 20
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP