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Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#154,561 Summoner Icon ßinomi 26 25
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#154,563 Summoner Icon FromHero to Iron 10 20
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#154,564 Summoner Icon ImPeCo 65 76
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#154,566 Summoner Icon Harrith 41 35
76 LP
Argint IV
76 LP
#154,569 Summoner Icon ERIK 124 113
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,570 Summoner Icon moynopano 35 37
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP Aatrox
#154,571 Summoner Icon Danza 27 27
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,573 Summoner Icon DaddyCiastek 3 3
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,575 Summoner Icon Chinezuu 41 31
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP Yasuo
#154,577 Summoner Icon IonianSamurai 16 16
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,579 Summoner Icon yatex 2 6
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,580 Summoner Icon Mathay0 61 55
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,582 Summoner Icon Ojciec Święty 22 20
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP Viego
#154,583 Summoner Icon ocularbrake 62 76
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,584 Summoner Icon Qemists 49 56
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,585 Summoner Icon Bulolo 20 32
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,586 Summoner Icon pjkal 6 3
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP
#154,587 Summoner Icon Ragnar1989 13 15
81 LP
Argint III
81 LP
#154,588 Summoner Icon frejich 52 67
0 LP
Argint IV
0 LP
#154,589 Summoner Icon paci 7 6
75 LP
Argint IV
75 LP