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Clasificare | EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#13,262 Summoner Icon Kiko Stroj 4 3
92 LP
Diamant IV
92 LP
#13,263 Summoner Icon already broken N 11 16
0 LP
Emerald III
0 LP
#13,263 Summoner Icon Lorakkarol 7 10
92 LP
Diamant IV
92 LP
#13,264 Summoner Icon KaIista 29 30
92 LP
Diamant IV
92 LP
#13,267 Summoner Icon JESTEM ŚLlCZNY 47 38
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP Lux
#13,268 Summoner Icon student piwο 5 4
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP
#13,269 Summoner Icon Hi im Stormy 9 3
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP
#13,270 Summoner Icon the bardest 5 5
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP Bard
#13,271 Summoner Icon Yasuo with fanta 24 16
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP
#13,276 Summoner Icon Tganu69 29 22
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP
#13,279 Summoner Icon ProBubu 28 27
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP
#13,280 Summoner Icon Zir0lTheBest 162 150
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP Mordekaiser Sett
#13,283 Summoner Icon LazerHawk 184 185
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP
#13,287 Summoner Icon Roobertinho 127 128
90 LP
Diamant IV
90 LP Viego
#13,288 Summoner Icon Unknown 19 8
90 LP
Diamant IV
90 LP
#13,291 Summoner Icon Srαnie 73 69
90 LP
Diamant IV
90 LP Kindred
#13,295 Summoner Icon Tarazito 81 85
90 LP
Diamant IV
90 LP
#13,296 Summoner Icon ƒłash 84 77
90 LP
Diamant IV
90 LP
#13,297 Summoner Icon Esku 4 2
90 LP
Diamant IV
90 LP
#13,300 Summoner Icon Kreatywne Gibony 57 49
90 LP
Diamant IV
90 LP