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Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#12,245 Summoner Icon TOP G BoUr4q 24 23
43 LP
Diamant IV
43 LP
#12,248 Summoner Icon DoubleFreak 8 3
43 LP
Diamant IV
43 LP
#12,249 Summoner Icon Vodoinstalater13 44 29
43 LP
Diamant IV
43 LP
#12,251 Summoner Icon s1tecky 61 58
43 LP
Diamant IV
43 LP
#12,253 Summoner Icon predragee 6 8
43 LP
Diamant IV
43 LP
#12,254 Summoner Icon ドラゴン 141 143
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,255 Summoner Icon ElitistiEelis 26 25
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,256 Summoner Icon Sakee 19 27
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,258 Summoner Icon YousefLannister0 123 133
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,260 Summoner Icon Rxxtt 154 132
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP Nunu și Willump
#12,261 Summoner Icon tedyyys 35 41
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,263 Summoner Icon ArReS 103 100
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP Gragas Morgana
#12,265 Summoner Icon Frozzen Satán 3 3
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,266 Summoner Icon The Unførgiven 29 28
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,268 Summoner Icon Reshy 6 9
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP Alistar
#12,270 Summoner Icon I Will Top Lane 104 91
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,271 Summoner Icon Frostbolt 46 32
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,272 Summoner Icon Tànatox 77 81
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,274 Summoner Icon ALL HAIL LELOUCH 102 102
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP
#12,275 Summoner Icon O Merentas 55 49
42 LP
Diamant IV
42 LP