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Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#11,463 Summoner Icon Walzer im Blut 5 7
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,465 Summoner Icon o trelos anastas 81 89
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,467 Summoner Icon in space 55 50
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP Orianna
#11,468 Summoner Icon The Divine Lion 23 30
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,469 Summoner Icon JokerOfRage 9 14
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,470 Summoner Icon geejql 6 5
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP Viktor
#11,471 Summoner Icon Magyar Joe 90 66
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,473 Summoner Icon Astronomia 4 2
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,474 Summoner Icon Z3nTeIZI 53 43
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,475 Summoner Icon HeXzo 64 63
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,476 Summoner Icon MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA 168 152
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,477 Summoner Icon 1ounou1 17 9
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,480 Summoner Icon BLOOFI 90 74
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,483 Summoner Icon MjFox 27 24
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,484 Summoner Icon Bro Its Flex 49 41
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,486 Summoner Icon MikastormCZEJO 111 103
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,487 Summoner Icon Goblin Monke 1 4
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,488 Summoner Icon Vandrák z Ulice 104 89
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,489 Summoner Icon OneInch 37 34
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#11,491 Summoner Icon StaryBonk 14 25
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP