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Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#40,062 Summoner Icon BigChungus42069 32 39
48 LP
Argint IV
48 LP Kha'Zix
#40,067 Summoner Icon KUFLUU 29 22
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,071 Summoner Icon Apenda 8 5
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,072 Summoner Icon J0hannStrauss 26 27
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,073 Summoner Icon zarganitsaa 44 46
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,074 Summoner Icon Agent077 23 25
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,076 Summoner Icon Osboltix 28 35
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,077 Summoner Icon TysseGO 29 23
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,078 Summoner Icon Tezcat 11 14
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,079 Summoner Icon lafik12 101 82
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,080 Summoner Icon macalukas7 24 32
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,081 Summoner Icon nus99x 53 44
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,083 Summoner Icon ThePlebIsBack13 37 30
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,085 Summoner Icon PIESUS2137 71 75
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,089 Summoner Icon Strawberryboo 7 11
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,090 Summoner Icon SpecialistNano 2 7
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP Mordekaiser
#40,091 Summoner Icon ψ EsToRy4x4 ψ 11 18
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,092 Summoner Icon śmietnik 17 13
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,093 Summoner Icon ReBOrN4 27 14
47 LP
Argint IV
47 LP
#40,095 Summoner Icon Hex the Twisted 38 42
43 LP
Argint III
43 LP