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Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#37,405 Summoner Icon KugisUgis 119 86
93 LP
Platină IV
93 LP
#37,406 Summoner Icon L9 Policéman 14 15
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,408 Summoner Icon HouJhini 35 38
39 LP
Platină IV
39 LP
#37,413 Summoner Icon Tu33i the git 42 47
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP Warwick
#37,414 Summoner Icon TΟΡ ΒΟΥ 34 32
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,415 Summoner Icon mirage glory 32 31
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,416 Summoner Icon Ghetto Sniper 57 54
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,417 Summoner Icon Ntiyiso 87 75
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP Lucian
#37,418 Summoner Icon Bombel112 62 68
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,422 Summoner Icon Killernevech 46 36
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,423 Summoner Icon afraid of women 47 40
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,425 Summoner Icon Boberlolw 3 3
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,427 Summoner Icon Kmica Maca 140 109
92 LP
Platină I
92 LP
#37,431 Summoner Icon Deme420ntor 22 24
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP Yone
#37,433 Summoner Icon Pumba99 1 6
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,434 Summoner Icon Wolfren 21 26
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,435 Summoner Icon przemegg 38 47
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP Diana
#37,445 Summoner Icon mimo8000 61 56
47 LP
Aur II
47 LP Renata Glasc
#37,450 Summoner Icon nob gaming 29 19
50 LP
Platină IV
50 LP
#37,452 Summoner Icon Maciej Renekton 47 35
0 LP
Smarald IV
0 LP