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© 2014-2025 LoLProfile. LoLProfile Isn't Endorsed By Riot Games And Its Affiliates.



Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#33,421 Summoner Icon RupF1c4tu 20 15
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,422 Summoner Icon My gift to you 33 45
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP Blitzcrank
#33,423 Summoner Icon kCzbALL 60 59
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP Amumu Volibear
#33,424 Summoner Icon DoubleFlash2 13 16
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,425 Summoner Icon Natus ProVincere 58 59
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP Warwick
#33,426 Summoner Icon Temető 15 24
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,427 Summoner Icon Avir 35 33
75 LP
Argint II
75 LP Diana Malphite Shyvana Wukong Vi
#33,428 Summoner Icon KaczaN 54 44
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,429 Summoner Icon MAT 18 12
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP LeBlanc
#33,430 Summoner Icon peekhaboo 3 7
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,431 Summoner Icon sk8er1989 14 13
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP Teemo
#33,432 Summoner Icon Jungl3d1ff 11 19
3 LP
Argint I
3 LP
#33,433 Summoner Icon Greml0 13 6
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,434 Summoner Icon Taste My limits 2 5
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,435 Summoner Icon MatiAlt 4 3
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP Jhin
#33,436 Summoner Icon Big D Hammer 81 81
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP Ezreal
#33,437 Summoner Icon SKROLI KUJE VOLI 2 5
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,438 Summoner Icon Gielleneb 2 5
16 LP
Argint II
16 LP
#33,439 Summoner Icon MiStb0rn 43 42
32 LP
Argint II
32 LP
#33,440 Summoner Icon HåtêMêMØst23 2 7
92 LP
Argint III
92 LP