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Clasificare EU Nordic & East

Rang Summoner Victorii Pierderi Nivelul / Divizia puncte Campioni
#2,223 Summoner Icon Ocsortány 97 90
36 LP
Maestru I
36 LP Maokai
#2,224 Summoner Icon burebistadi 13 11
64 LP
Diamant II
64 LP
#2,225 Summoner Icon Volkswagen Polo 57 51
64 LP
Diamant II
64 LP Thresh
#2,226 Summoner Icon Pipii 102 93
70 LP
Maestru I
70 LP Xerath Kassadin Malzahar Olaf
#2,227 Summoner Icon angel of despair 21 27
64 LP
Diamant II
64 LP
#2,229 Summoner Icon Aguma 27 41
87 LP
Diamant III
87 LP
#2,230 Summoner Icon Ikonå 33 35
63 LP
Diamant II
63 LP Jhin
#2,231 Summoner Icon SLvlmTz 40 39
63 LP
Diamant II
63 LP
#2,232 Summoner Icon Keep it Evry 30 24
63 LP
Diamant II
63 LP Tristana
#2,233 Summoner Icon Jaja Jak huj 29 27
63 LP
Diamant II
63 LP
#2,234 Summoner Icon GOD COMPLEX FR 14 13
63 LP
Diamant II
63 LP Darius
#2,236 Summoner Icon handless kitten 34 29
94 LP
Diamant II
94 LP
#2,237 Summoner Icon soaking w3t 33 29
62 LP
Diamant II
62 LP
#2,238 Summoner Icon Dzeffry 17 21
62 LP
Diamant II
62 LP
#2,239 Summoner Icon alex161gr 31 42
62 LP
Diamant II
62 LP Sett
#2,240 Summoner Icon еmï 77 73
62 LP
Diamant II
62 LP
#2,241 Summoner Icon ProInterpreter 15 7
62 LP
Diamant II
62 LP
#2,242 Summoner Icon kasenbrot 28 34
61 LP
Diamant II
61 LP
#2,243 Summoner Icon Szybki Dyngs 48 52
61 LP
Diamant II
61 LP Senna
#2,244 Summoner Icon okolop123 62 46
61 LP
Diamant II
61 LP Ambessa