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Ostatnio przeglądani

Ranking Europa Zachodnia

Ranga Przywoływacz Zwycięstwa Porażki Poziom / Pion Punkty Bohaterowie
#9,681 Summoner Icon Thormaestro 36 32
9 LP
Diament I
9 LP Sion
#9,682 Summoner Icon Paranoia 11 7
9 LP
Diament I
9 LP
#9,685 Summoner Icon Playboi Cartii 45 37
9 LP
Diament I
9 LP Corki
#9,686 Summoner Icon MinnerLetsPlay 29 24
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Karma
#9,687 Summoner Icon 6912616 99 104
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Pyke
#9,688 Summoner Icon Mange Ma Guez 426 411
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP
#9,689 Summoner Icon Spaaaceee 186 186
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Yone Viktor Yasuo Sylas Aatrox
#9,690 Summoner Icon pluto the racer 208 219
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Sivir Kog'Maw Draven Kai'Sa
#9,691 Summoner Icon Bukovskii 90 92
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Caitlyn
#9,691 Summoner Icon KindredsFeet 121 117
54 LP
Szmaragd II
54 LP
#9,692 Summoner Icon djuks 107 80
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Aatrox
#9,693 Summoner Icon Alan Best Teemo 121 94
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Soraka Vayne
#9,694 Summoner Icon sari 24 18
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Katarina Braum Leona Vayne Nautilus
#9,695 Summoner Icon lverson 105 99
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Akali Ahri
#9,696 Summoner Icon AUSTRIAN XD 57 43
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP
#9,697 Summoner Icon zNeich9 265 251
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Poppy
#9,698 Summoner Icon xdSkurk 56 56
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Vel'Koz Varus
#9,699 Summoner Icon TopLivesMatteRs 44 36
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Rumble Akali
#9,701 Summoner Icon nonstopaab 37 32
40 LP
Diament I
40 LP
#9,702 Summoner Icon ravenous 35 20
8 LP
Diament I
8 LP Lissandra Lux