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Ostatnio przeglądani

Ranking EU Nordic & East

Ranga Przywoływacz Zwycięstwa Porażki Poziom / Pion Punkty Bohaterowie
#4,501 Summoner Icon WielkiÇiponator 59 40
34 LP
Diament IV
34 LP
#4,502 Summoner Icon ArturPendrag0n 29 19
34 LP
Diament IV
34 LP
#4,503 Summoner Icon Presjednik 36 23
96 LP
Szmaragd II
96 LP
#4,504 Summoner Icon misaki 64 69
33 LP
Diament IV
33 LP Karma
#4,505 Summoner Icon Pudzian77 26 23
33 LP
Diament IV
33 LP
#4,506 Summoner Icon NosousaKorasida 29 22
33 LP
Diament IV
33 LP
#4,507 Summoner Icon lanselot6 70 64
77 LP
Diament II
77 LP Tristana
#4,508 Summoner Icon oktaviaan 239 204
43 LP
Diament I
43 LP Darius Aatrox Sett
#4,509 Summoner Icon ziomson pl 192 196
38 LP
Szmaragd IV
38 LP
#4,511 Summoner Icon The Rain Maker 33 30
33 LP
Diament IV
33 LP
#4,512 Summoner Icon SeekSRB 54 45
33 LP
Diament IV
33 LP
#4,513 Summoner Icon AustrianPαinter 57 55
72 LP
Szmaragd I
72 LP
#4,514 Summoner Icon killershadow14 34 22
32 LP
Diament IV
32 LP
#4,515 Summoner Icon OhyY 15 10
32 LP
Diament IV
32 LP Nautilus
#4,518 Summoner Icon Kywyer 59 35
32 LP
Diament IV
32 LP
#4,519 Summoner Icon Preisler25 55 31
32 LP
Diament IV
32 LP
#4,520 Summoner Icon CooperAlex 8 9
32 LP
Diament IV
32 LP
#4,522 Summoner Icon ADC ROLE XD 91 87
32 LP
Diament IV
32 LP Shaco
#4,524 Summoner Icon Helski 7 6
32 LP
Diament IV
32 LP
#4,525 Summoner Icon SlowLee 46 52
49 LP
Diament IV
49 LP