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Ostatnio przeglądani

Ranking EU Nordic & East

Ranga Przywoływacz Zwycięstwa Porażki Poziom / Pion Punkty Bohaterowie
#41 Summoner Icon FILIP KILLER 77 43
742 LP
Pretendent I
742 LP Talon Diana Malphite Yasuo Karthus
#42 Summoner Icon Fram Ursul Polar 201 165
995 LP
Pretendent I
995 LP Nocturne Karma Teemo Diana
#43 Summoner Icon Mallachiel 70 41
741 LP
Pretendent I
741 LP
#44 Summoner Icon DON PECE 69 50
75 LP
Diament I
75 LP
#45 Summoner Icon SSettson 82 59
718 LP
Pretendent I
718 LP Sett Pantheon Nautilus Yone
#46 Summoner Icon Magikarpi 77 65
718 LP
Pretendent I
718 LP Garen
#47 Summoner Icon Rengo The Sloth 220 183
710 LP
Pretendent I
710 LP Renekton
#48 Summoner Icon Endless v4 68 35
798 LP
Pretendent I
798 LP K'Sante Leona Ezreal Renekton Kog'Maw
#49 Summoner Icon Adelin 195 175
714 LP
Pretendent I
714 LP Miss Fortune Kai'Sa Aurelion Sol Syndra
#50 Summoner Icon domozin 109 83
698 LP
Pretendent I
698 LP Kai'Sa Jhin Corki Tristana Diana
#51 Summoner Icon Ne Rozumiju 62 51
698 LP
Pretendent I
698 LP Qiyana
#52 Summoner Icon ujo ejo 94 64
829 LP
Pretendent I
829 LP Vladimir
#53 Summoner Icon Upset v2 102 87
673 LP
Pretendent I
673 LP Galio
#54 Summoner Icon R3VENGE12 157 136
823 LP
Pretendent I
823 LP Kalista Caitlyn Ezreal
#55 Summoner Icon SyThExX 156 120
672 LP
Pretendent I
672 LP Rumble
#56 Summoner Icon ΒiMBOOODOLL 138 103
444 LP
Mistrz I
444 LP Janna Yasuo Lulu Kassadin Vladimir
#57 Summoner Icon G2 dRew 146 93
663 LP
Pretendent I
663 LP Alistar
#58 Summoner Icon Nerf Maliacho 108 79
654 LP
Pretendent I
654 LP Ryze
#59 Summoner Icon Roldziu 168 155
546 LP
Arcymistrz I
546 LP LeBlanc Lulu
#60 Summoner Icon 4teca 54 35
672 LP
Pretendent I
672 LP Tristana Syndra Darius Lux Kassadin