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Ranglijsten Turkije

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#3,721 Summoner Icon BraveXLarge 42 50
22 LP
Platinum IV
22 LP Pantheon
#3,722 Summoner Icon Batbat 255 231
69 LP
Emerald IV
69 LP Rell Sejuani Thresh Alistar Janna
#3,723 Summoner Icon developed 119 109
27 LP
Emerald IV
27 LP Volibear Kayn Shen Vladimir Kha'Zix
#3,724 Summoner Icon TheGrokie 17 27
21 LP
Platinum IV
21 LP
#3,726 Summoner Icon AhrazBırakan 1 7
21 LP
Platinum IV
21 LP
#3,727 Summoner Icon shadow 152 156
81 LP
Platinum II
81 LP Shaco Karma Renata Glasc Lux
#3,728 Summoner Icon Do not give upp 35 37
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP
#3,729 Summoner Icon DMR79 45 39
33 LP
Platinum IV
33 LP Orianna
#3,730 Summoner Icon Libarius 12 12
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP Ezreal
#3,732 Summoner Icon 夜 BAPHOMET 20 14
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP
#3,733 Summoner Icon CANIM KARIM İBO 3 8
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP
#3,734 Summoner Icon Master Of Regret 88 84
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP Swain
#3,735 Summoner Icon Herus 10 5
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP Karma
#3,737 Summoner Icon Baronet 110 95
10 LP
Platinum II
10 LP Garen Tahm Kench
#3,738 Summoner Icon Dade 19 22
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP Ezreal
#3,739 Summoner Icon topkek 18 12
20 LP
Platinum IV
20 LP Pantheon
#3,740 Summoner Icon Machiavellian 20 27
19 LP
Platinum IV
19 LP Jhin
#3,741 Summoner Icon zzz kiting 26 14
19 LP
Platinum IV
19 LP
#3,744 Summoner Icon hep üzülüyorum 59 62
18 LP
Platinum IV
18 LP
#3,745 Summoner Icon M1xOpSSy 28 24
18 LP
Platinum IV
18 LP