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Ranglijsten sg

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#1,941 Summoner Icon NeedtoAdapt 14 10
97 LP
Brons IV
97 LP
#1,943 Summoner Icon Makima 3 7
96 LP
Brons IV
96 LP
#1,948 Summoner Icon bankbuilder 10 8
91 LP
Brons IV
91 LP
#1,950 Summoner Icon 왜 내가 아니야 7 13
90 LP
Brons IV
90 LP
#1,951 Summoner Icon Rosebudio 14 15
89 LP
Brons IV
89 LP
#1,954 Summoner Icon Punishmentz 4 10
87 LP
Brons IV
87 LP
#1,957 Summoner Icon Xieken 39 47
77 LP
Brons IV
77 LP
#1,958 Summoner Icon tempqxsmguhkdpwf 28 33
77 LP
Brons IV
77 LP
#1,959 Summoner Icon Maverick 30 30
76 LP
Brons IV
76 LP
#1,962 Summoner Icon Bocchi The Nut 40 32
74 LP
Brons IV
74 LP Talon
#1,965 Summoner Icon NoZs 28 36
69 LP
Brons IV
69 LP
#1,967 Summoner Icon cateater123 53 48
65 LP
Brons IV
65 LP
#1,968 Summoner Icon ONKz 58 60
64 LP
Brons IV
64 LP
#1,971 Summoner Icon Tellaviv 38 30
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP
#1,972 Summoner Icon pensivepensive 11 5
57 LP
Brons IV
57 LP
#1,973 Summoner Icon 网友恬顺豆 9 8
46 LP
Brons III
46 LP
#1,975 Summoner Icon shortputt 10 3
54 LP
Brons IV
54 LP
#1,982 Summoner Icon CopperICUP 25 42
46 LP
Brons IV
46 LP
#1,983 Summoner Icon SEOLLA 15 9
45 LP
Brons IV
45 LP
#1,984 Summoner Icon DreadAcHT 23 33
45 LP
Brons IV
45 LP