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Ranglijsten EU West

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#94,746 Summoner Icon LEPLUSOPDUCOIN 14 4
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP Sylas
#94,748 Summoner Icon Impotent 85 84
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,749 Summoner Icon HaK Sauropenta 56 62
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,750 Summoner Icon iCrenk 52 43
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,752 Summoner Icon severnum 36 39
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,754 Summoner Icon Oppos 89 77
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP Urgot
#94,756 Summoner Icon DrKavod 27 18
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,757 Summoner Icon Gyli 91 92
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,766 Summoner Icon Assassin2LaRue 3 3
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,768 Summoner Icon HοnkHοnkHοnk 193 193
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,770 Summoner Icon KRAL Boi 71 79
70 LP
Zilver I
70 LP
#94,774 Summoner Icon Dino The Greedy 59 51
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,779 Summoner Icon HadiX 26 28
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,784 Summoner Icon Sharingan2001 13 9
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,786 Summoner Icon Th3Menk 43 45
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,788 Summoner Icon mìa Akalì fa 34 44
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,794 Summoner Icon BMW 159 180
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP Zilean
#94,795 Summoner Icon Tempura Sejong 14 17
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,797 Summoner Icon McFloaty 13 15
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP
#94,815 Summoner Icon Cobo94 4 5
63 LP
Goud IV
63 LP