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Ranglijsten EU West

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#37,122 Summoner Icon tiburon170304 3 6
71 LP
Iron IV
71 LP
#37,129 Summoner Icon Bob the builder 8 11
71 LP
Iron IV
71 LP
#37,134 Summoner Icon islawis7 54 59
71 LP
Iron IV
71 LP
#37,138 Summoner Icon RedEdit56 3 7
70 LP
Iron IV
70 LP
#37,143 Summoner Icon Nightmxer 29 34
70 LP
Iron IV
70 LP
#37,152 Summoner Icon EbicBobby 22 21
70 LP
Iron IV
70 LP
#37,153 Summoner Icon LudKhan 13 23
70 LP
Iron IV
70 LP Nasus
#37,155 Summoner Icon mancionebristol 1 4
70 LP
Iron IV
70 LP
#37,157 Summoner Icon likitagfds3 8 9
70 LP
Iron IV
70 LP
#37,159 Summoner Icon Zooneysboy 3 6
69 LP
Iron IV
69 LP
#37,162 Summoner Icon smoug25 26 33
69 LP
Iron IV
69 LP
#37,163 Summoner Icon thebadwolf99 3 8
69 LP
Iron IV
69 LP
#37,165 Summoner Icon Kydo 27 27
69 LP
Iron IV
69 LP
#37,167 Summoner Icon Savage 15 20
69 LP
Iron IV
69 LP
#37,174 Summoner Icon PistoreES 24 28
68 LP
Iron IV
68 LP
#37,179 Summoner Icon BigDaddyBaby 10 21
68 LP
Iron IV
68 LP
#37,184 Summoner Icon M8 NotDeku 2 4
67 LP
Iron IV
67 LP
#37,188 Summoner Icon aoriste 1 4
67 LP
Iron IV
67 LP
#37,189 Summoner Icon SeƱor Potter 4 9
67 LP
Iron IV
67 LP
#37,192 Summoner Icon corkhill782 8 9
67 LP
Iron IV
67 LP