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Ranglijsten EU West

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#21,421 Summoner Icon Zuritiburi 37 33
19 LP
Zilver IV
19 LP Nilah
#21,423 Summoner Icon 4k4 M0M0 31 35
19 LP
Zilver IV
19 LP
#21,425 Summoner Icon ilovefrancesinha 22 25
19 LP
Zilver IV
19 LP
#21,426 Summoner Icon Biscuit of Rage 74 87
5 LP
Brons III
5 LP Malzahar Mel Morgana Amumu
#21,427 Summoner Icon BlackSold3r 8 7
19 LP
Zilver IV
19 LP
#21,428 Summoner Icon Talost 16 16
19 LP
Zilver IV
19 LP Samira
#21,430 Summoner Icon IvanSDK 36 43
19 LP
Zilver IV
19 LP Cho'Gath
#21,431 Summoner Icon Toji47 52 57
19 LP
Zilver IV
19 LP Sett
#21,432 Summoner Icon calumba8 30 47
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,433 Summoner Icon Kov 16 9
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,438 Summoner Icon xMarsup 51 57
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,440 Summoner Icon fallenangl 76 69
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,443 Summoner Icon T1Traceur 31 17
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,445 Summoner Icon Straicker 78 85
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP Dr. Mundo Mel
#21,447 Summoner Icon IfILoseFlameSupp 5 6
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,448 Summoner Icon Sir Konci 4 3
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,450 Summoner Icon Joah Theron 22 20
18 LP
Zilver IV
18 LP
#21,451 Summoner Icon Spreadsheet 73 63
17 LP
Zilver IV
17 LP
#21,452 Summoner Icon aA1Relentless1Aa 11 11
17 LP
Zilver IV
17 LP
#21,453 Summoner Icon CaccaDiUnicornoo 7 12
17 LP
Zilver IV
17 LP