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Ranglijsten EU West

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#203,541 Summoner Icon PointDexter 150 138
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,542 Summoner Icon KDA Sana 83 80
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,546 Summoner Icon TheYoungJKR 9 15
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,548 Summoner Icon CaramelMacchiato 36 16
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,550 Summoner Icon LuceDiStella 14 20
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,553 Summoner Icon DayanBai 115 111
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,555 Summoner Icon 205 gti 130cv 65 71
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,556 Summoner Icon Boldar 4 2
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,557 Summoner Icon zombiefanboy 48 47
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,558 Summoner Icon Thysmax530 77 64
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,560 Summoner Icon Bierbro Beutlin 43 38
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,562 Summoner Icon Atené 6 6
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,563 Summoner Icon San Carlito 46 40
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,564 Summoner Icon rafiko250 236 236
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,565 Summoner Icon The Cosmic Soul 5 6
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,567 Summoner Icon Teue 80 82
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,570 Summoner Icon Pingu16 8 5
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,571 Summoner Icon timschoW 26 28
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP Poppy
#203,573 Summoner Icon Soxoumlis777 41 43
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP
#203,574 Summoner Icon ne du 57 73
10 LP
Zilver IV
10 LP