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Ranglijsten EU Noord & Oost

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#13,281 Summoner Icon Nemberone 30 35
24 LP
Platinum IV
24 LP
#13,282 Summoner Icon sarki 30 24
24 LP
Platinum IV
24 LP Viego
#13,283 Summoner Icon Popica09 40 46
24 LP
Platinum IV
24 LP Smolder Mel
#13,285 Summoner Icon Makabrain 101 91
13 LP
Emerald IV
13 LP Jax
#13,286 Summoner Icon Ronald 130 105
61 LP
Emerald IV
61 LP Sejuani Katarina
#13,287 Summoner Icon cmartin 53 54
24 LP
Platinum IV
24 LP
#13,289 Summoner Icon DirsSpardis 67 68
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP Miss Fortune Caitlyn
#13,290 Summoner Icon Výborné Pivo 20 23
51 LP
Platinum III
51 LP Yone Samira
#13,291 Summoner Icon Kranlauzis 50 54
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP Ashe Alistar
#13,292 Summoner Icon Hekatê 71 84
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP
#13,293 Summoner Icon The AntiGod 63 53
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP
#13,296 Summoner Icon Krizz 49 45
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP
#13,297 Summoner Icon Yoogurt 45 47
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP
#13,298 Summoner Icon Olaf From Fjord 97 72
41 LP
Emerald I
41 LP Nilah
#13,299 Summoner Icon TooStrong 40 49
47 LP
Goud I
47 LP
#13,300 Summoner Icon jodzaa 63 68
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP Kayn
#13,301 Summoner Icon Tibii 63 48
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP Shaco
#13,302 Summoner Icon Azåb 26 22
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP Master Yi Ezreal
#13,303 Summoner Icon zed130 37 31
23 LP
Platinum IV
23 LP
#13,304 Summoner Icon lukas2201 51 53
70 LP
Goud II
70 LP