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Ranglijsten EU Noord & Oost

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#12,801 Summoner Icon Suspect 125 125
35 LP
Emerald IV
35 LP
#12,802 Summoner Icon S100M 27 27
37 LP
Platinum IV
37 LP
#12,803 Summoner Icon Jhin Curry 3 8
37 LP
Platinum IV
37 LP Draven
#12,805 Summoner Icon Jurek Tepesz 9 9
37 LP
Platinum IV
37 LP
#12,806 Summoner Icon noogscrub 47 39
13 LP
Platinum IV
13 LP
#12,807 Summoner Icon YankiSOL 19 17
37 LP
Platinum IV
37 LP
#12,808 Summoner Icon TolsonBolson 25 18
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP Wukong
#12,809 Summoner Icon iRivv 15 10
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,810 Summoner Icon Zbozek 19 19
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,811 Summoner Icon The Zensei 61 65
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,812 Summoner Icon Mugan 18 13
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,813 Summoner Icon Fayris 18 23
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,814 Summoner Icon wykkt 95 99
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,815 Summoner Icon Iriney 49 53
81 LP
Platinum III
81 LP
#12,816 Summoner Icon Lacti 35 37
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP Kai'Sa
#12,817 Summoner Icon EatThePoor 56 59
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP Mel
#12,818 Summoner Icon Stella 36 22
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP Caitlyn
#12,820 Summoner Icon Awakee 25 32
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,821 Summoner Icon KZM heytimalkata 13 21
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP
#12,822 Summoner Icon MATI Z TORUNIA 13 18
36 LP
Platinum IV
36 LP Quinn