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Ranglijsten EU Noord & Oost

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#55,281 Summoner Icon Wentis 33 33
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,285 Summoner Icon vvithered 24 19
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,287 Summoner Icon KAngel 15 9
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,288 Summoner Icon FroZZenDead 74 73
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP Morgana
#55,291 Summoner Icon Psyh0 5 3
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,292 Summoner Icon Aqrey 14 12
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,295 Summoner Icon Viruh 19 20
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,297 Summoner Icon ArteoAlb10 76 81
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP Kha'Zix
#55,299 Summoner Icon kiskacsa13 25 40
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,300 Summoner Icon Filip 3 5
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP Quinn
#55,304 Summoner Icon KratΩs 5 3
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,309 Summoner Icon Sheriff 5 3
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP
#55,313 Summoner Icon The Cigar 31 30
61 LP
Brons IV
61 LP Yorick
#55,316 Summoner Icon Virunn 10 15
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP
#55,317 Summoner Icon frauzen123 30 33
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP
#55,320 Summoner Icon lukak0211 20 11
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP Nautilus
#55,324 Summoner Icon PalliKurkkaaja 10 10
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP
#55,326 Summoner Icon Kifinx 28 35
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP
#55,327 Summoner Icon AnToNiS m 36 40
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP
#55,330 Summoner Icon Rafał Panek 20 18
60 LP
Brons IV
60 LP