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Ranglijsten EU Noord & Oost

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#33,901 Summoner Icon To Κοκορι 9 33
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,902 Summoner Icon Lord Morderca 37 47
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,903 Summoner Icon N04H 131 139
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,904 Summoner Icon flyfila 67 60
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,905 Summoner Icon majsteeeeer 20 10
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,906 Summoner Icon Mega Luna 35 29
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,907 Summoner Icon slotkakotka69 23 45
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,909 Summoner Icon Sensei11Elements 62 61
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,912 Summoner Icon kumbak 70 59
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,914 Summoner Icon Sorellum 93 99
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP Teemo Veigar
#33,915 Summoner Icon SLOburek 27 26
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP Pyke
#33,920 Summoner Icon Gruziarz 61 46
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,921 Summoner Icon Shook One 30 28
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,922 Summoner Icon SIlkGr 155 153
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,923 Summoner Icon Misterr FIORA 16 11
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,924 Summoner Icon Grevert69 63 59
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,928 Summoner Icon EXØDIA 47 46
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,930 Summoner Icon TeKochamCieKocie 31 39
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,931 Summoner Icon Skipp R6 104 110
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP
#33,932 Summoner Icon yaraa12 24 19
46 LP
Platinum IV
46 LP