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Ranglijsten EU Noord & Oost

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#31,181 Summoner Icon MasterShinobi 40 46
50 LP
Brons IV
50 LP
#31,182 Summoner Icon öcsipók 11 6
50 LP
Brons IV
50 LP
#31,183 Summoner Icon Stomfa 4 15
50 LP
Brons IV
50 LP Veigar
#31,184 Summoner Icon ΩΉγerßεáȘȚΩ 17 9
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP
#31,185 Summoner Icon 6jak9 18 12
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP
#31,186 Summoner Icon YODAS312 35 50
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP
#31,187 Summoner Icon TKCold08 28 30
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP Yone Mordekaiser
#31,188 Summoner Icon yasou and yone 34 39
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP Garen
#31,189 Summoner Icon Paul Pogba 5 4
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP
#31,190 Summoner Icon Swaruu de Erra 142 125
19 LP
Brons II
19 LP Ashe Lux Tristana Brand
#31,191 Summoner Icon AlexKolovos 5 4
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP
#31,192 Summoner Icon IvonBaker 3 6
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP
#31,193 Summoner Icon Hessor 13 12
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP Seraphine Pantheon Thresh Lux Tahm Kench
#31,194 Summoner Icon Doniek8 51 49
95 LP
Brons IV
95 LP Singed
#31,195 Summoner Icon DanyXik 23 21
74 LP
Brons IV
74 LP Lissandra
#31,196 Summoner Icon pchryscina 6 19
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP Warwick
#31,197 Summoner Icon Kasia15 30 28
56 LP
Brons IV
56 LP Cho'Gath Kennen
#31,198 Summoner Icon MiSDaMiS69 49 39
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP Mel
#31,199 Summoner Icon ČiGi213 6 7
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP
#31,200 Summoner Icon Axima 16 13
49 LP
Brons IV
49 LP