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Ranglijsten Brazilie

Rang Summoner Gewonnen Verloren Rang / Divisie Punten Kampioenen
#3,444 Summoner Icon lsqslk 51 54
79 LP
Platinum IV
79 LP Vi
#3,451 Summoner Icon FlutterrShy 42 43
75 LP
Emerald IV
75 LP
#3,453 Summoner Icon Carlinadgap 5 9
77 LP
Platinum IV
77 LP
#3,458 Summoner Icon LsanT 31 31
73 LP
Platinum IV
73 LP
#3,460 Summoner Icon Kyoto Summit 46 39
17 LP
Platinum III
17 LP
#3,471 Summoner Icon Katocheia 25 28
68 LP
Platinum IV
68 LP
#3,476 Summoner Icon Dyttos 12 9
67 LP
Platinum IV
67 LP
#3,481 Summoner Icon Existencialista 29 17
66 LP
Platinum IV
66 LP
#3,482 Summoner Icon Bobby Charlton 12 13
65 LP
Platinum IV
65 LP
#3,484 Summoner Icon Ulith 16 39
55 LP
Goud II
55 LP
#3,490 Summoner Icon DKW 48 44
63 LP
Platinum IV
63 LP
#3,492 Summoner Icon OnlyDarkinBlade 35 40
62 LP
Platinum IV
62 LP
#3,493 Summoner Icon Borbolleto 3 5
61 LP
Platinum IV
61 LP
#3,507 Summoner Icon hiero 65 60
54 LP
Platinum IV
54 LP
#3,508 Summoner Icon Kousei 19 18
54 LP
Platinum IV
54 LP
#3,515 Summoner Icon there he of sylv 13 5
52 LP
Platinum IV
52 LP
#3,517 Summoner Icon Lady Eller 47 32
51 LP
Platinum IV
51 LP
#3,519 Summoner Icon vinicius364 23 22
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP
#3,521 Summoner Icon Wellwss 60 60
82 LP
Platinum IV
82 LP
#3,522 Summoner Icon Homura Rengoku 24 23
50 LP
Platinum IV
50 LP