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Leaderboards EU Barat

Kedudukan Summoner Menang Kerugian Tahap / Bahagian Mata Juara
#14,241 Summoner Icon Leprice 6 3
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP
#14,244 Summoner Icon PoshyIron 10 14
21 LP
Emas IV
21 LP
#14,245 Summoner Icon BGSilver 6 3
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP
#14,246 Summoner Icon BláckTeaa 26 26
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP
#14,247 Summoner Icon xDanu 14 11
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP Orianna
#14,248 Summoner Icon ttvZwgoulis 58 66
47 LP
Emas IV
47 LP
#14,249 Summoner Icon BlaWe 17 11
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP
#14,250 Summoner Icon Lonely and poor 9 4
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP
#14,251 Summoner Icon ElChucky 25 38
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP
#14,253 Summoner Icon pabloknight 23 16
3 LP
Emas IV
3 LP
#14,255 Summoner Icon oOStillHereOo 73 72
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP Rell
#14,258 Summoner Icon Niffty 46 31
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP
#14,261 Summoner Icon HisAnnie 21 12
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP Nautilus
#14,263 Summoner Icon 177013 10 13
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP
#14,265 Summoner Icon Cárnivóre 31 15
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP
#14,267 Summoner Icon scarecrowah 34 30
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP
#14,268 Summoner Icon Death By Period 2 5
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP
#14,270 Summoner Icon Snowdrops 22 28
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP
#14,271 Summoner Icon SKT EGEMEN 83 79
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP
#14,272 Summoner Icon Tengen11Uzui 19 12
2 LP
Emas IV
2 LP