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Leaderboards EU Barat

Kedudukan Summoner Menang Kerugian Tahap / Bahagian Mata Juara
#13,322 Summoner Icon LucozadeSport 6 15
42 LP
Emas IV
42 LP
#13,330 Summoner Icon Dark Mage Syndra 9 9
41 LP
Emas IV
41 LP Syndra
#13,335 Summoner Icon HoHaKim 5 5
41 LP
Emas IV
41 LP
#13,339 Summoner Icon Cam7380 17 11
5 LP
Emas II
5 LP
#13,350 Summoner Icon Sr DarKReX 83 82
1 LP
Emas III
1 LP
#13,352 Summoner Icon Whisky 2 8
40 LP
Emas IV
40 LP
#13,358 Summoner Icon edddoc 23 39
40 LP
Emas IV
40 LP
#13,359 Summoner Icon VEG3TA 2 3
40 LP
Emas IV
40 LP
#13,362 Summoner Icon Radreos 122 117
40 LP
Emas IV
40 LP
#13,365 Summoner Icon Nelson Monfort 53 44
3 LP
Emas III
3 LP
#13,377 Summoner Icon Gatoo134 65 68
39 LP
Emas IV
39 LP Cassiopeia
#13,378 Summoner Icon PatateChaude 133 129
20 LP
Emas IV
20 LP Jhin Kai'Sa
#13,390 Summoner Icon PachiForgotten 6 1
38 LP
Emas IV
38 LP
#13,397 Summoner Icon MATT LA MER2 72 76
39 LP
Emas I
39 LP
#13,408 Summoner Icon Begro 13 24
38 LP
Emas IV
38 LP
#13,410 Summoner Icon WE Nezumi 14 26
38 LP
Emas IV
38 LP
#13,412 Summoner Icon 0utCast Yasuo 1 5
38 LP
Emas IV
38 LP
#13,418 Summoner Icon SergioCastelFans 8 6
38 LP
Emas IV
38 LP
#13,420 Summoner Icon RECthisma 27 21
38 LP
Emas IV
38 LP
#13,422 Summoner Icon WINTER ARC TO C1 41 51
37 LP
Emas IV
37 LP Darius