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Leaderboards EU Barat

Kedudukan Summoner Menang Kerugian Tahap / Bahagian Mata Juara
#112,661 Summoner Icon satoru 19 13
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,667 Summoner Icon ChampionUnknown 98 103
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,668 Summoner Icon eguzkia 53 43
37 LP
Platinum IV
37 LP
#112,672 Summoner Icon BakumaReforged 61 55
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,674 Summoner Icon Paavolos 67 61
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,675 Summoner Icon VAMOS 13 9
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,677 Summoner Icon tilta nao tio 178 180
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,678 Summoner Icon Freip1 34 45
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,679 Summoner Icon Micky612 14 11
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,682 Summoner Icon Baschka89twitch 2 3
40 LP
Perak III
40 LP Malzahar
#112,683 Summoner Icon LuciBoozy 32 30
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,686 Summoner Icon Gengens 36 32
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,689 Summoner Icon SchlappenSeppel 90 78
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,694 Summoner Icon Lynden123 18 12
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,696 Summoner Icon Cruzcampo Fanboy 38 37
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP Tryndamere
#112,698 Summoner Icon KorYuu 91 75
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP Kayn
#112,700 Summoner Icon RUST COHLE 28 33
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,705 Summoner Icon Samariumn 60 68
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,708 Summoner Icon God of VLADIMIR 110 107
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP
#112,711 Summoner Icon Tofudoe 4 3
92 LP
Emas IV
92 LP