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Classifiche Turchia

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#10,602 Summoner Icon Ayanokoji Sama 14 9
50 LP
Platino I
50 LP
#10,603 Summoner Icon elveś 52 64
69 LP
Platino III
69 LP Orianna
#10,606 Summoner Icon JustChill 87 59
50 LP
Platino I
50 LP Vex
#10,609 Summoner Icon yüzseksendokuz 140 130
49 LP
Platino I
49 LP Hwei Yone
#10,613 Summoner Icon BBQ3 22 40
49 LP
Platino I
49 LP Gragas Aphelios
#10,614 Summoner Icon The Hangover IV 85 79
49 LP
Platino I
49 LP Vi
#10,615 Summoner Icon Belphêgor 58 53
49 LP
Platino I
49 LP Vayne
#10,618 Summoner Icon ixsarhg 5 1
49 LP
Platino I
49 LP
#10,619 Summoner Icon eXca 20 9
49 LP
Platino I
49 LP Corki
#10,627 Summoner Icon Cokobans 74 78
28 LP
Platino I
28 LP Skarner Yasuo Vladimir
#10,628 Summoner Icon Skyknight 31 20
48 LP
Platino I
48 LP Akali Hwei Smolder
#10,630 Summoner Icon Jon Bones Jones 53 45
48 LP
Platino I
48 LP Irelia
#10,633 Summoner Icon Karahanlı 23 25
48 LP
Platino I
48 LP
#10,634 Summoner Icon velkoz 25 30
48 LP
Platino I
48 LP Thresh
#10,637 Summoner Icon Lucifér 28 17
48 LP
Platino I
48 LP
#10,638 Summoner Icon Breslav 45 45
47 LP
Platino I
47 LP Twitch Karthus Caitlyn Zeri Singed
#10,640 Summoner Icon Isposter 7 2
47 LP
Platino I
47 LP Teemo
#10,641 Summoner Icon Arlen Bales 46 51
47 LP
Platino I
47 LP Ornn
#10,642 Summoner Icon alpinsect 21 36
47 LP
Platino I
47 LP Ezreal
#10,643 Summoner Icon Lyrex321 23 26
47 LP
Platino I
47 LP Xayah Jinx Ezreal