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Classifiche Turchia

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#5,802 Summoner Icon Rashness 30 34
73 LP
Oro IV
73 LP
#5,803 Summoner Icon Shieda 15 13
72 LP
Oro IV
72 LP Blitzcrank
#5,808 Summoner Icon D3L4Y 46 63
44 LP
Oro IV
44 LP
#5,811 Summoner Icon Tahm Pişmiş 14 15
71 LP
Oro IV
71 LP
#5,813 Summoner Icon akarry 13 16
71 LP
Oro IV
71 LP
#5,823 Summoner Icon The Achlys 8 10
70 LP
Oro IV
70 LP
#5,825 Summoner Icon ShePhaRd 4 6
69 LP
Oro IV
69 LP Sett
#5,826 Summoner Icon Mèrovingiân 88 73
9 LP
Platino II
9 LP
#5,839 Summoner Icon SenjuCry 39 41
68 LP
Oro IV
68 LP Gragas
#5,854 Summoner Icon CrabbyS 3 4
66 LP
Oro IV
66 LP
#5,859 Summoner Icon 3ntryKill 4 6
66 LP
Oro IV
66 LP
#5,863 Summoner Icon ARDAGULER 57 49
66 LP
Oro IV
66 LP
#5,868 Summoner Icon IshidaUryuu 33 28
65 LP
Oro IV
65 LP
#5,869 Summoner Icon K E R 0 32 39
65 LP
Oro IV
65 LP
#5,874 Summoner Icon 72Nightking72 102 104
95 LP
95 LP Volibear
#5,875 Summoner Icon NİKOBEY 29 19
64 LP
Oro IV
64 LP
#5,892 Summoner Icon Gothmog 3 5
61 LP
Oro IV
61 LP
#5,893 Summoner Icon as a script 23 17
61 LP
Oro IV
61 LP Ashe
#5,898 Summoner Icon Simon Leviev 25 21
60 LP
Oro IV
60 LP
#5,909 Summoner Icon Miyeonuwu 28 12
68 LP
Platino II
68 LP