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Classifiche Turchia

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#49,223 Summoner Icon shindai 20 42
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP
#49,224 Summoner Icon BEN KEBABCIYIM 32 31
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP Yasuo
#49,225 Summoner Icon kuran satan 11 12
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP Kha'Zix
#49,229 Summoner Icon Aygıt Kocaman 160 167
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP Samira Kai'Sa
#49,231 Summoner Icon 5691 3 9
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP Kha'Zix
#49,232 Summoner Icon The Bitter King 4 2
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP
#49,233 Summoner Icon mirac 2 3
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP
#49,234 Summoner Icon LittleTimör 12 13
27 LP
Bronzo IV
27 LP
#49,236 Summoner Icon GezginMasteR 41 48
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Sivir Blitzcrank
#49,241 Summoner Icon TolyBeer 59 59
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP LeBlanc Ashe Vi Kha'Zix
#49,243 Summoner Icon finexy 13 13
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Irelia Jinx Swain Katarina Tahm Kench
#49,244 Summoner Icon Greweendor 39 53
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Nunu e Willump
#49,245 Summoner Icon Roitarion 38 35
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Jinx
#49,247 Summoner Icon 05534874885 24 33
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Sion
#49,248 Summoner Icon klitoris teklerm 44 47
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Pyke Jhin Master Yi Yasuo Fizz
#49,249 Summoner Icon Kzx1dy 20 12
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Volibear Viego Garen
#49,251 Summoner Icon surıyelıkurt 20 23
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Kayn Jinx
#49,253 Summoner Icon euphoria 10 17
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP
#49,255 Summoner Icon köfte 16 11
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP
#49,256 Summoner Icon Aidanhell 10 9
26 LP
Bronzo IV
26 LP Aphelios Milio Rengar