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Classifiche Russia

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#3,122 Summoner Icon руки ноги голова 8 4
63 LP
Argento I
63 LP
#3,124 Summoner Icon стервеллa 25 21
80 LP
Oro IV
80 LP
#3,125 Summoner Icon XBOPOCT88 47 44
39 LP
39 LP Diana Fiddlesticks
#3,127 Summoner Icon Микрогнидыч 22 20
45 LP
45 LP
#3,128 Summoner Icon Kamou 5 3
61 LP
Argento I
61 LP
#3,130 Summoner Icon маленькая леди 5 3
61 LP
Argento I
61 LP
#3,131 Summoner Icon RAMZES666 72 74
75 LP
Argento I
75 LP Ashe Ezreal Rakan
#3,133 Summoner Icon Santi3 22 21
61 LP
Argento I
61 LP Viego
#3,135 Summoner Icon LetsSmile 6 6
58 LP
Argento I
58 LP Twitch
#3,136 Summoner Icon remake 8 15
24 LP
Argento I
24 LP
#3,137 Summoner Icon YoungDizarex 17 13
57 LP
Argento I
57 LP Yone Akali
#3,138 Summoner Icon UA LordeN 16 15
57 LP
Argento I
57 LP
#3,139 Summoner Icon VaagnarStyle 12 13
56 LP
Argento I
56 LP
#3,140 Summoner Icon shadow and me 2 9
54 LP
Argento I
54 LP Diana
#3,141 Summoner Icon 2OveRlorD1 3 5
54 LP
Argento I
54 LP
#3,142 Summoner Icon люблю лизу 28 20
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP Jhin
#3,143 Summoner Icon Keksit 3 5
54 LP
Argento I
54 LP Swain
#3,144 Summoner Icon Ци Жрун 3 5
54 LP
Argento I
54 LP
#3,146 Summoner Icon Mr1KaPaCuK 7 2
53 LP
Argento I
53 LP
#3,148 Summoner Icon KrasnovStore 13 12
52 LP
Argento I
52 LP