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Classifiche Nord America

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#4,962 Summoner Icon ThrobbinHood 29 33
3 LP
Argento III
3 LP
#4,971 Summoner Icon Wisest Brod 35 31
99 LP
Argento IV
99 LP
#4,974 Summoner Icon Broken soda 6 6
97 LP
Argento IV
97 LP Fizz
#4,975 Summoner Icon MisAnthrope4Life 114 104
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP Yasuo
#4,976 Summoner Icon RonaId Reagan 19 14
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#4,977 Summoner Icon iron and wine 57 55
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP Sion
#4,978 Summoner Icon Rioxx 107 93
91 LP
Argento IV
91 LP Teemo
#4,979 Summoner Icon Håwq 12 6
91 LP
Argento IV
91 LP Naafiri
#4,980 Summoner Icon WulfByte 10 7
91 LP
Argento IV
91 LP
#4,982 Summoner Icon irenelovesyou 37 56
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP Yuumi
#4,984 Summoner Icon JuiceBoxJam 5 4
89 LP
Argento IV
89 LP
#4,985 Summoner Icon Pb79 6 6
88 LP
Argento IV
88 LP Shyvana
#4,987 Summoner Icon Tychx 34 16
87 LP
Argento IV
87 LP
#4,994 Summoner Icon Metos 4 4
84 LP
Argento IV
84 LP
#4,996 Summoner Icon Keria10 37 38
83 LP
Argento IV
83 LP Sylas
#4,997 Summoner Icon Fettuccine 38 38
82 LP
Argento IV
82 LP
#4,998 Summoner Icon SlurpDatButt 58 68
82 LP
Argento IV
82 LP Jayce
#4,999 Summoner Icon LeagueofhisOwn 47 50
81 LP
Argento IV
81 LP
#5,002 Summoner Icon 445AM 5 2
77 LP
Argento IV
77 LP Lee Sin Nami Zeri Morgana Ezreal
#5,006 Summoner Icon fart bender 19 25
75 LP
Argento IV
75 LP Lux