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Classifiche America Latina del Sud

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#14,904 Summoner Icon ADC cono 67 65
71 LP
Oro I
71 LP
#14,918 Summoner Icon Trolevin 23 18
71 LP
Platino IV
71 LP
#14,928 Summoner Icon Chinfo 9 8
71 LP
Platino IV
71 LP
#14,930 Summoner Icon 31121995 28 40
71 LP
Platino IV
71 LP
#14,932 Summoner Icon Arkeus8 11 10
98 LP
Platino IV
98 LP
#14,936 Summoner Icon FXNDX 127 116
71 LP
Platino IV
71 LP
#14,943 Summoner Icon brankz 9 9
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,949 Summoner Icon TojiZ3nin 45 51
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,952 Summoner Icon Lè Braum James 85 77
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,955 Summoner Icon RoadChallenger 42 38
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,960 Summoner Icon T么G彡 Miyamura 48 53
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,964 Summoner Icon Queen Of SUPPORT 31 30
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,965 Summoner Icon SP Little Knight 35 42
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,966 Summoner Icon crazyking3 103 102
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#14,968 Summoner Icon TuTíoFavorito 26 32
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#14,970 Summoner Icon LuNalga 16 20
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#14,973 Summoner Icon Plaza Chacabuco 15 24
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#14,991 Summoner Icon Legioo 94 97
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#14,994 Summoner Icon Krankenpfleger 379 364
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#15,017 Summoner Icon BadLife 52 45
68 LP
Platino IV
68 LP