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Classifiche America Latina del Sud

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#12,382 Summoner Icon iMitrec 13 7
93 LP
Argento IV
93 LP
#12,384 Summoner Icon Ment 73 58
93 LP
Argento IV
93 LP Illaoi
#12,386 Summoner Icon 1 3 9 6 6 19 15
40 LP
Argento II
40 LP
#12,387 Summoner Icon TresDelMundo 7 7
93 LP
Argento IV
93 LP
#12,388 Summoner Icon Zeca 22 23
93 LP
Argento IV
93 LP
#12,389 Summoner Icon donwayro 30 40
39 LP
Argento III
39 LP Katarina
#12,390 Summoner Icon LaTíaDeLaSopaipa 6 10
93 LP
Argento IV
93 LP
#12,391 Summoner Icon KyoGuRo 132 132
16 LP
Argento IV
16 LP Lulu
#12,392 Summoner Icon Söuvlaki 12 17
93 LP
Argento IV
93 LP
#12,393 Summoner Icon The pink wolf 19 6
32 LP
32 LP
#12,394 Summoner Icon DONCUEA 108 108
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP
#12,395 Summoner Icon Inster23 4 5
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP
#12,396 Summoner Icon Dracall 46 45
9 LP
Oro IV
9 LP
#12,397 Summoner Icon Zyx18 8 15
13 LP
Argento II
13 LP
#12,398 Summoner Icon TitánDark 3 2
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP
#12,399 Summoner Icon Hanbi 35 33
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP Darius
#12,400 Summoner Icon Sarahh 25 18
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP
#12,401 Summoner Icon Dazthh 30 23
89 LP
Argento III
89 LP
#12,402 Summoner Icon Dijini 37 41
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP
#12,403 Summoner Icon TECENVI 6 8
92 LP
Argento IV
92 LP