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Classifiche America Latina Nord

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#13,001 Summoner Icon RöK Wlodito 9 14
85 LP
Platino IV
85 LP Garen
#13,002 Summoner Icon Rosa Kitsuragi 16 17
85 LP
Platino IV
85 LP
#13,003 Summoner Icon Rap1211 14 12
85 LP
Platino IV
85 LP
#13,006 Summoner Icon Kyogi 5 6
85 LP
Platino IV
85 LP
#13,011 Summoner Icon Razuerseker 10 15
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,012 Summoner Icon RaapSoda 66 62
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,013 Summoner Icon BurstDaemon 57 43
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,015 Summoner Icon Sátántangó2 5 1
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,016 Summoner Icon TBG Räven 20 22
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,018 Summoner Icon Yazhiro 55 48
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,020 Summoner Icon Ded Flatbird 12 7
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,021 Summoner Icon Ruined Sammy 80 83
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,022 Summoner Icon Scyther 55 63
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,023 Summoner Icon Raulu 176 136
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,024 Summoner Icon kevindany 30 27
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,026 Summoner Icon Glory of Vincit 12 17
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,027 Summoner Icon I RENALGON I 12 13
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,029 Summoner Icon Daxterror 25 25
75 LP
Platino III
75 LP
#13,031 Summoner Icon HeaVen14810 8 15
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP
#13,033 Summoner Icon REGESEK 169 218
84 LP
Platino IV
84 LP