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Classifiche America Latina Nord

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#6,161 Summoner Icon thiagos96 16 8
14 LP
Oro IV
14 LP
#6,162 Summoner Icon Sweet04k 4 3
14 LP
Oro IV
14 LP
#6,163 Summoner Icon Amatista Sedano 18 11
40 LP
40 LP
#6,166 Summoner Icon Natch 7 5
14 LP
Oro IV
14 LP
#6,167 Summoner Icon G3TSUG4T3NSH0 17 15
14 LP
Oro IV
14 LP
#6,168 Summoner Icon Kalemor 3 7
14 LP
Oro IV
14 LP
#6,169 Summoner Icon Jey 10 6
14 LP
Oro IV
14 LP
#6,171 Summoner Icon Aabraxas 5 7
13 LP
Oro IV
13 LP
#6,172 Summoner Icon Shiro Ökami 13 19
13 LP
Oro IV
13 LP
#6,174 Summoner Icon Leomon 9 3
13 LP
Oro IV
13 LP
#6,176 Summoner Icon Kores 27 18
13 LP
Oro IV
13 LP
#6,179 Summoner Icon InAciem 8 7
13 LP
Oro IV
13 LP
#6,180 Summoner Icon paradies2 40 36
13 LP
Oro IV
13 LP
#6,181 Summoner Icon imspartano 10 13
13 LP
Oro IV
13 LP
#6,182 Summoner Icon El Petuche 7 20
12 LP
Oro IV
12 LP
#6,183 Summoner Icon The Nyx 11 20
12 LP
Oro IV
12 LP
#6,184 Summoner Icon lx MilorD xl KDA 31 41
12 LP
Oro IV
12 LP
#6,185 Summoner Icon DEMOGOD 19 14
12 LP
Oro IV
12 LP
#6,186 Summoner Icon Alrec 33 12
28 LP
Platino II
28 LP
#6,187 Summoner Icon JDLambert 56 46
17 LP
Oro I
17 LP