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Classifiche America Latina Nord

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#36,841 Summoner Icon Danydlife 4 6
62 LP
Argento IV
62 LP
#36,842 Summoner Icon Pluma03 110 102
62 LP
Argento IV
62 LP
#36,844 Summoner Icon Loluki 24 26
62 LP
Argento IV
62 LP
#36,846 Summoner Icon G2 Sebs 375 367
62 LP
Argento IV
62 LP Ziggs Senna
#36,847 Summoner Icon Astrogatito 5 8
62 LP
Argento IV
62 LP
#36,848 Summoner Icon XxSuSaNooXx 41 37
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,849 Summoner Icon Lufthë 179 177
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,850 Summoner Icon Vactorxp 22 25
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,851 Summoner Icon EpsylonKnight 5 15
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,852 Summoner Icon elpizza97 13 9
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,854 Summoner Icon TheGatz 33 30
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,855 Summoner Icon The Blackbox 11 9
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,857 Summoner Icon squall 87 115
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,858 Summoner Icon AleexMtz 5 2
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,860 Summoner Icon Lordz Ksamille 31 25
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,864 Summoner Icon SON HAKU 44 48
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,865 Summoner Icon jeanbaptistee 86 83
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,866 Summoner Icon Proneapple611 10 9
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,867 Summoner Icon Begeseven 28 34
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#36,868 Summoner Icon DataCredito 119 110
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP