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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#196,944 Summoner Icon Ishtar 2 3
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,946 Summoner Icon Noanki 19 16
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,948 Summoner Icon The GodFaThresh 66 70
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,950 Summoner Icon MS Milo 23 26
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,953 Summoner Icon Ruhnald Waesley 6 4
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,954 Summoner Icon Leyzoras 52 54
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,955 Summoner Icon Goldkrypton 96 121
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,956 Summoner Icon SirGalahadThe7th 91 93
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,957 Summoner Icon Thorben OP 4 4
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,961 Summoner Icon 50BulletsOfRambo 54 50
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,963 Summoner Icon Trick7even 129 120
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP Thresh
#196,964 Summoner Icon Cookies Krypz 65 75
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,966 Summoner Icon F4ll3nR0s3m4ry 43 34
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,968 Summoner Icon Sir Tobsi 108 125
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,969 Summoner Icon Touya 5 16
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,970 Summoner Icon lordlukas10 88 94
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,971 Summoner Icon Taksidjiq 280 285
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,972 Summoner Icon KYROxXx4 42 36
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,975 Summoner Icon kotzey 61 82
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#196,976 Summoner Icon Enellamanatta 43 35
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP