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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#189,561 Summoner Icon NimbleAndAgile 25 13
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,563 Summoner Icon Bybčiulpys 20 19
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,564 Summoner Icon Akinator91 188 189
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,568 Summoner Icon RideOnWall 3 3
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,569 Summoner Icon OwnageOnly 142 134
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,572 Summoner Icon zipotario 77 89
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,574 Summoner Icon Yoxaron 26 37
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,576 Summoner Icon baked Vayne 130 152
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Vayne Xayah
#189,577 Summoner Icon Tako 72 76
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,578 Summoner Icon Random Nerd 5 2
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,580 Summoner Icon JackDanielss 7 6
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,582 Summoner Icon King of guild 34 37
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Garen K'Sante Gnar Lissandra Jax
#189,587 Summoner Icon toejin 28 35
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,591 Summoner Icon ImRelaxo 133 117
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Warwick Master Yi
#189,598 Summoner Icon MalecUS 42 40
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,599 Summoner Icon Q TCHI Q TCHI 103 92
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,600 Summoner Icon ArmadilloAndaluz 4 8
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,602 Summoner Icon hestjanne 27 28
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Lux Rammus
#189,603 Summoner Icon ICP 129 140
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#189,606 Summoner Icon Flashbolt88 81 87
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP