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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#184,541 Summoner Icon Aurora 7 9
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,542 Summoner Icon Brixouu 54 55
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,546 Summoner Icon aqopsk 3 2
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,547 Summoner Icon The Cùrator 5 6
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,548 Summoner Icon AriZ v9 8 6
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,550 Summoner Icon risocotto 9 6
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP Ahri
#184,552 Summoner Icon Richtspruch 93 104
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,556 Summoner Icon Ârch Magus 121 119
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,562 Summoner Icon AI Discon 30 28
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,564 Summoner Icon Gu Miao 121 108
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP LeBlanc
#184,565 Summoner Icon Coronaleugner 198 208
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,567 Summoner Icon JOOV4N 105 110
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP Illaoi
#184,568 Summoner Icon Mugabecongo 6 2
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,570 Summoner Icon Reduxation 22 33
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,571 Summoner Icon MadManlego 9 9
50 LP
Argento III
50 LP
#184,572 Summoner Icon MugiiwaraNoRed 60 44
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,576 Summoner Icon One key One kill 27 21
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,578 Summoner Icon ßÕŠŠ221 208 201
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,579 Summoner Icon megardon 63 64
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP
#184,580 Summoner Icon FreeBird 86 94
90 LP
Argento IV
90 LP