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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#18,301 Summoner Icon simone2356 91 112
81 LP
Smeraldo III
81 LP
#18,303 Summoner Icon Potat 23 16
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP Lucian
#18,304 Summoner Icon Officer Skipper 4 1
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP Gangplank
#18,305 Summoner Icon Gargyuel 12 13
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,306 Summoner Icon vivi xd 66 59
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,307 Summoner Icon Spartac0uille 48 48
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,308 Summoner Icon Sycron 31 25
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,310 Summoner Icon 5 STACK TO DUNK 206 213
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,311 Summoner Icon Saez1 59 44
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,313 Summoner Icon Lxst 20 25
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,316 Summoner Icon 300HorsePower 23 19
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,320 Summoner Icon NO COMA WHATLEY 126 95
23 LP
Diamante I
23 LP Tahm Kench Warwick
#18,322 Summoner Icon WeaksideWilli 65 41
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP Cho'Gath
#18,323 Summoner Icon KledAndSCARLL 29 16
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,325 Summoner Icon Shenycrane 50 57
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,328 Summoner Icon POC Arrow 20 22
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,329 Summoner Icon Drag0nDan 27 30
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,330 Summoner Icon HmarNaoHmarTony 69 42
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP Karma
#18,332 Summoner Icon Night Auditor 22 11
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP
#18,333 Summoner Icon Hisoka 5 3
85 LP
Diamante IV
85 LP Nocturne